China’s Ban on Cryptocurrencies

Henri Kouam
5 min readSep 27, 2021


Cryptocurrencies have become a must-have digital asset for some, with major investment banks such as Goldman Sachs asking their clients to diversify their assets. In a world of low-interest rates and negative-yielding debt, some institutional investors and retail investors have shifted to cryptocurrencies to shield their assets from low inflation.

In 2019, China was more benign on the use of cryptocurrencies and it did not explicitly prohibit consumers or businesses from trading cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ehtereum, and Dogecoin just to name a few. However, the central bank has since changed track and has imposed an outright ban.

The People’s Bank of China and regulators Vow to Fight Cryptos Together

China’s most powerful financial regulators imposed a blanket ban on cryptocurrencies, including cryptocurrency transactions, mining and other bit-coin-related stocks and derivatives. Ten agencies across the country, including the central bank, have vowed to work together to root out illegal cryptocurrency activity in a rare show of solidarity for China’s financial institutions. The surge in cryptocurrencies has created some market euphoria across the globe, even in China that is known for its repressive policies that priorities a conservative dictat to financial issues. In its communiqué…



Henri Kouam

Policy + Action = Change. International Economist, passionate about trade, free enterprise , the Nordics and markets